Why all the Hoopla over COVID-19 Mandates?

As the title of this editorial hints, “What are the COVID-19 Mandates” and further more why are so many people risking their livelihood’s and speaking out so passionately now against them? I asked myself these questions:

  • Why resist a vaccine that would protect you from dyeing?
  • Why refuse to wear a mask that would help stop the spread of a virus that was killing people?

It made little sense to me. Then I stopped and thought for a moment and realized not only was I being told that I had no choice, but I only knew my side of the story. So, I started on a journey that would open my eyes and put fear in my heart.

Please permit me to share, so you too can hopefully have enough information to make an informed decision and choose your own path.

An Emergency Powers Act was put in place during our previous administration so that our Nation could respond to the growing number of Americans that were getting sick and dyeing from a new virus. This Emergency Order remained in place when the current administration took office. Through both administrations it has permitted the governing bodies to provide various types of support and relief to the American people and business during the declared pandemic. During the pre-Omicron days of the pandemic, individuals and business were able to choose if they wanted to get vaccinated or wear a mask, though both were highly encouraged. At some point, around the time Omicron got a foot hold in the US, the Emergency Order gave our administration and governing bodies the ability to mandate vaccinations and masks.

If you’ll remember, almost overnight, cities were requiring business to request proof of vaccination for patrons to enter their place of business. Which, by the way, was promised would never happen early in the pandemic. Americans were required to wear masks in many places, indoors and out. Moreover, Healthcare providers, first responders, fire fighters, policeman, military, even truck drivers were under the mandate to get vaccinated or loose their jobs. These are the same Americans that kept our country going, while the “experts” figured out this new virus that was spreading across our great Nation. Devoted and selfless Americans are now unemployed. Americans that took every precaution that was within their personal beliefs, kept working and now choose not abide by a mandate they had no say in instituting.

Then our administration and governing bodies decided that in order for our children to return to school, all children had to be vaccinated (age permitting) and masked. This took the parental rights to do what Mothers and Fathers felt best for their children, away.

This is the situation that “broke the camel’s back”. With the ability, and apparent desire, of the government to impose any mandate (based on their opinions not a vote) on the American people, through the Emergency Order, a large section of the population are standing up and saying enough.

Reading these stories, something in the back of my memory lit up. Telling the people what they have to do, isn’t this reminiscent of old regimes we have fought against? If our government decides that obesity is a national epidemic, will they institute mandates on slim fast? If it is decided the American people are speaking out too much, will there be a mandate to take your weekly Doggy Downer Shot? This may sound a little far fetched, but ideas can get taken to extremes.

People who are speaking out today, are speaking out because the right to choose, be it right or be it wrong, be it in agreement with their neighbor’s views or not, is being taken away. The American people who are now voicing their opinion, respect this great melting pot of a country and the Constitution it was built on. They respect that same Constitution that gives you the right to disagree with every person that is standing up and peacefully protesting. These Americans are looking into the future and what they see is very grim. If things continue as they are, they see us loosing all our God given and Constitutional rights. Can you imagine not being able to voice you’re opinion unless your willing to go to jail? Can you imagine having your daily routine, diet, salary, medications dictated by our governing bodies? Can you imagine your social media being censored, even more than it is now but really going to jail if you mess up?  What if you lost your right to worship (or not) the way you wanted to? Have weapons? Fancy clothes?

I ask you to open your eyes. Please do some research. This is about your future and your choice, but make it YOUR CHOICE! If you choose to do nothing, that is your choice. Don’t have it forced on you. It is your Constitutional right to choose.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. tat2d1
    Mar 14, 2022 @ 14:50:48

    Very well said. That nails it! Anybody that is not concerned about these abuses of power just isn’t paying attention or thinking it through to its logical conclusion.  



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