Here We Come!

Isn’t it ironic that in the west, where the sun sets, The People’s Convoy rose? Freedom loving Americans began a journey that is uniting the people of this great Nation. With one passion in their hearts, Americans from all walks of life, every creed and color, every gender identification and political affiliation are joining with one cry on their lips…. Our God given and Constitutional rights are ours. The government has no authority. They have no jurisdiction, to impede or take away our freedom.

Many miles have been traveled since the journey began and may hardships endured to bring this message to DC, but there are many more miles to travel. As the People’s Convoy says a temporary goodbye to the Washington DC area, California is the next stop. It’s time to remind the States that they have a Constitutional duty to protect our freedoms.

California is getting ready to vote on 10 bills. These bills will violate the Constitutional, human, and parental rights of Californians. These bills will violate the Constitutional Amendments guaranteeing freedom of speech, freedom of choice and freedom of the press. They will violate the laws protecting our medical privacy making your and your children’s health records government knowledge. The boys in blue will be required to enforce any public health guidelines or lose their funding. And to work in California you will have to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination, whether you want it or not! This does not align with the values this Nation was founded on. The questions will be asked; Are we not a Democracy, a government by the people? Is the Constitution not the law of the land? If any of these bills are voted into law, could it set a precedent for more laws in other States that would strip the American people of our God given and Constitutional Rights? Could this start a wave of laws across the States until it reaches the Federal Government? With the freedom of the American people at heart and California programmed into the GPS, the People’s Convoy rolls on. The message that these bills are unconstitutional and that the people do not agree will be delivered.

Along the highway to California, people branched off of The People’s Convoy. Like the roots of a tree, these Americans took the message to their home states and firmly plant the message with their legislators. New freedom fighters joined and created new branches on this tree. They will bring the support and voices of more communities and cities across our Nation. The Tree of Truth will grow larger and stronger. Americans will continue to line the highways and overpasses, proving this is not just a row of trucks driving across the country, but a visible representation of the people’s demand to protect their freedom. After years of quietly withstanding abuse, the Tree of Truth is surging back to life in the hearts of the people. It is fortifying its roots and beginning to grow. The Constitution is its foundation and the Lord, its strength.  The American people are its voice and The People’s Convoy has become its name. The American people will be seen. Their voice will be heard. Their rights will be respected and protected. California, put out the welcome mat. Here we come.

I pray for strength and guidance for everyone sharing this message of freedom with your family, friends, neighbors, and government. I pray that one day, “We the People” can gaze again on the setting sun and watch our children’s children swing from the Tree of Truth. I pray we can smile knowing our children will enjoy the freedoms that many good Americans have died to preserve. I wait for the day that we can re-count the story of The People’s Convoy and when the American people reminded the government, “They work for Us”.

visit to join the convoy and add your voice.